Welcome to Castle Creavie

After many months of planning and organizing, we are here. We are now able to call Castle Creavie Farm our forever home. We may be still living out of boxes and I have yet to find where Dan’s socks are but life on the farm goes on so we have had to hit the ground running.  

Odin has settled in beautifully. The boy was just born to farm. We lose him on a regular basis but luckily always know where to find him….. lingering around the quad bike in the hope that someone will take him out for a ride or chatting with the “gee gees” (horses). He has started nursery in the old Johnston school in Kirkcudbright (where Dan went many moons ago) and has loved heading out to the park and nearby woodlands.  Hands down his favorite part of the move has to be the regular trips to the beach. Our water baby loves a cool dip in the North Sea and has spent many a happy evening down at The Dhoon and at Mossyards. How he hasn’t got pneumonia I will never know.

The horses have settled well and Ciara has spent most days exploring the farm and the surrounding countryside, galloping up and down the hills and regularly getting lost. Dan has been hard at work making plans for the flock increasing our numbers up to 400 for lambing next year. The first of our tups have gone out to their ladies this week and we will hopefully be on track for the first of two lambings in February 2022. The pigs have found heaven in piggy paradise and the cows are all blissfully unaware that they will be spending their first Galloway winter outside (they have been lulled into a false sense of security thanks to this glorious autumn weather we are having).

Our most exciting announcement has to be the arrival of our Mongolian delivery. We wanted to bring something totally unique, eco-friendly, and luxurious to the farm. Our Mongolian yurt “The Kites Rest” called after the beautiful birds you see daily at Castle Creavie and that you can find taking pride of place in our farm logo will be erected over the coming months and will be ready for you all to book in 2022. Our yurt is just one of the many exciting changes and new additions we have planned for next year so make sure you watch this space. 

We are so honored to be the next generation of Wannop’s to look after this beautiful place and we cannot wait to share it with you all.

Our home is your home

Dan, Ciara & Odin x